Welcome to the April Release!
This month is full more microapp organization options and important bug fixes.
We've introduced the creation of tags for microapps at the account and library level. In addition, system tags are automatically created and assigned to microapps when a set of criteria are met.
Tags are here to help you organize your library and make it easier to find the microapp you are looking for. You can not only create and manage tags, but you can get insight on how many microapps share a specific tag.
Account Settings: Tag Management
Undo is working again in the builder for deleted assets
Gallery is navigating in the right order again
Gallery no longer has assets extended out of the flyout
Scroll tile states are duplicating properly
Hover states work when broadcasting
3.0.4 release version is available
We've made behind the scenes improvements for hover states that now require you to re-publish your microapps leveraging hover states